RCCO Ottawa Centre
CRCO Section d'Ottawa

PO Box 2270 Station D
Ottawa ON K1P 5W4
2024-2025 Season
The Finest Organists on the Finest Organs
Amours et délices de l'orgue

The RCCO is a Registered Canadian Charity.

A series presented by the Royal Canadian College of Organists - Ottawa Centre
Une Présentation du Collège Royal Canadien des Organistes.

Series tickets are available at the bottom of this page.
Tickets are also available through EventBrite.
Single tickets will be available at the door.

Individual Tickets at the door / Billets individuels à la porte : $30 Regular/régulier, $25 Seniors/âge d'or, $15 Students/étudiant

Please join us for 4 superb organ recitals on 4 different organs. We have a video camera and projection screen set up so that the audience can see the performers when the console is hidden. You can watch our recitalists play at all our concerts!

Pro Organo relies heavily on donations to pay for the artists and venues. Please consider donating to this wonderful organ series.

Pro Organo gratefully acknowledges the generous support of our donors.

Please download and post the flyer for this season's series.

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Isabelle Demers (Montréal)

Isabelle Demers

Monday October 28, 2024 7:30 pm
le lundi 28 octobre 2024 à 19h30

Église Ste-Anne/St. Clément Church
(Old St. Patrick)

In Memoriam: Rachel Laurin (1961-2023)
In collaboration with the Canadian International Organ Competition /
En collaboration avec le Concours international d’orgue du Canada

Works by Laurin, including the premiere of her last organ works

Download the Program. / Télécharger le programme.

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Josh Zentner-Barrett, organ (Ottawa)

Raphael Weinroth-Browne, cello (Ottawa)


Friday November 22, 2024 7:30 pm
le vendredi 22 novembre 2024 à 19h30

Trinity United Church
(1099 Maitland)

Worlds within: Soundscapes for Cello and Organ
Mondes intérieurs: Sonorités pour violoncelle et orgue

Works by Arvo Pärt, Peteris Vasks, Édouard Batiste, and Raphael Weinroth-Browne

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Charles Francis (United Kingdom/ Eastman School of Music, USA)

Charles Francis

Friday April 4, 2025 7:30 pm
le vendredi 4 avril 2025 à 19h30

Basilique-cathédrale Notre-Dame
(356 Sussex/ St. Patrick)

Great Organ Works
Grandes pages de l'orgue

Works by Bach, de Grigny, Franck, Alain and Duruflé

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Jonathan Oldengarm (Toronto)

Jonathan Oldengarm

Monday May 5, 2025 7:30 pm
le lundi 5 mai 2025 à 19h30

Saint-François d'Assise
(20 Fairmont / Wellington West)

Animals in music
Les animaux dans la musique

Works by Saint-Saëns, Poglietti, Bédard and Messiaen

Click graphic below for full brochure (pdf)

Click to view Pro Organo Brochure

On-Line Season Tickets
(Return to cart to add different ticket types)

Ticket Type

(In the Cart, change the "Quantity" to reflect the dollar amount of your donation.)
Can we publish your name in Programme?
Name for programme.

Tickets: At the door $30 ($25 for seniors and $15 for students)
Season tickets $95 ($80 seniors, $45 students)

ON LINE: Use the shopping cart to order tickets and make a donation. Please give details of payment and your full name and address for your charitable donation receipt.

CHEQUE: Click to download a printable ticket ORDER FORM

Make cheque payable to RCCO Ottawa Centre
and send to
RCCO - Pro Organo
Box 2270
Station D, Ottawa
K1P 5W4

E-TRANSFER: E-transfer to Please give details of payment and your full name and address for your charitable donation receipt.

Tax Receipts given for donations over $10.00
Reçu d'împôts en échange de votre contribution

Further information can be obtained from


©Copyright MMXXIV  RCCO Ottawa Centre
RCCO-Ottawa Centre is a Registered Charity: 11912 6498 RR0001

This page was last updated on: Thursday, 26-Sep-2024 12:49:58 EDT